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Meadowside School

Inspiring brighter futures

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Semi Formal Curriculum

 Semi-formal learning:

Information for Parents, Carers and Pupils

Our Intent is to ensure your child’s learning experience, is:

 Learner-centred, informed by their EHCP, their and your family’s aspirations, in preparation towards their adulthood.

 A relevant, progressive and sequenced curriculum, created, to meet need, engagement style and prior achievement, so they can achieve flexibly at any point.

 Assessed at their own starting point, delivered using adaptive teaching approaches, that meet individual learning needs through further personalisation, offer learning opportunities that will interest them, inspire their engagement and get them ready to learn, more subject-specific learning.

 Learning experiences are ambitious relative to your child’s starting point, with support where needed, repetition, sequenced progression, acknowledging vertical, linear and spurts of progress.

 Teaching is flexible, in the way your child learns best, hence our school mission for Meadowside School to be “The Place to Shine.” and our vision for “Inspiring Brighter Futures”.

 To partner parents and our whole school community in a shared vision for your child to succeed.