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Meadowside School

Life Skills- home learning

KS 3 Accidents & Prevention 

WEEKS 1 & 2 GENERAL DANGERS Information Dangers in the home

Worksheet sorting Safe and unsafe

Worksheet Dangers in the Living Room

Worksheet Dangers in the home 

Worksheet Home Safety Inspection

ONLINE LESSON: The Oak Academy

Safety in the Home

                                                                                                                                                                                 WEEK 3 DANGERS: ELECTRICITY

TASK CHALLENGE: *Identify electrical items in your home     **Name/identify a danger/s with a reason

***Make a poster about dangers of electricity                                                                                                      Extension Challenge: Demonstrate safety when using electrical equipment/s e.g. making a hot drink

Online Video & Activities

Video & Activity -BBC KS1 How to be safe around electricity

Watch the video and play the game then:

Video- BBC KS2 The Dangers of Electricity



ONLINE LESSON: The Oak Academy

Hazards in the Home

Life Skills Practicals: Food Related ( Cookery Videos & recipes)

PRACTICAL VIDEOS- To watch and Follow

Video- Getting Ready to cook

Develop your cookery skills (food preparation and cooking) by following the video you choose.       

Basic Skills- Learn how to prepare vegetables (chop, cut & grate), make food products by following a video recipe for snacks, baking and meals (healthy & treat recipes) -find the recipe for the video on:

Developing your cookery skills - Choose this link to develop your food preparation skills, -includes weight and Measure, food preparation, using equipment and making food products (healthy & treat recipes) - find the recipe on video recipes                                                    

Video Recipes -Find the recipe you want to make or with the ingredients you have:

Interactive Recipes Videos- follow the recipe and answer questions


14-19 Life Skills

Powerpoint Healthy Living Powerpoint

Information Healthy Living Information-Lessons

Worksheet Healthy Living Worksheet   Practical: Make a healthy food product

Video- Watch & Learn Starchy Carbohydrates                                                  Practical: Make a food product using 1 or more carbohydrate foods - Look at Life Skills practicals  

What is Healthy Living worksheet


BBC Bitesize What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

The Oak Academy Digestion and Nutrition: Healthy Diet

KS4 lesson 28th Jan
